
There has been a big issue with copyright laws. Many people use the music they listen to, pictures, articles, essays into the their own work to prove a point or to express an opinion, for example, many people use content in videos, such as the ones on youtube, that's not their own to make their video more entertaining. To do this without getting slammed for breaking any laws  you must follow some guidelines, such as the ones in this prezi, that we looked at in our class. Content that you get from other people to use in your own work are followed under free use. Free use is where you can use other peoples content without being criticized for breaking copyright laws, but free use goes out the window when your content doesn't give the author any recognition for the use of their content. So as long as you cite your sources, give credit to the author, using content of others should be fine.


  1. I like what you had to say on copyright but what do you think of those who abuse copyright. You said in your description that all you needed to do was follow the rules and give proper attribution but there are thousands of examples every year which show people abusing the copyrights they have to make money. I understand that the system is supposed to help people keep their patents but I have also seen people screwed by it.


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