
 Image result for reddit

I think reddit is a good way to share information and connect with one another. In the video we saw in class it went through the purpose of reddit and how it impacts peoples lives. Going through the pros and cons of sharing information of an online community, the video describes in great detail of what reddit has done to either improve peoples lives or inform them of important topics. One of example would be the ask science subreddit where people can ask a question science related. The question would then get answered be an individual who knows the topic well with other users branching off that asking more questions or adding to the discussion. While this is a good way to seek answers, not everybody will have the same point of view of a discussion. In these subreddits there will be people who will differ with others on how things should be, for instance there will be people who just want to write something that's completely off topic or write something that will hurt somebody.


  1. Hi Alejandro, nice post. I agree that Reddit is an awesome platform to connect with others, and lets people who would otherwise remain silent about their issues have a chance to open up and receive help. There is always the threat of trolls on any anonymous internet platform, and so the hope is that moderators can quickly remove any negative or hurtful comments. I believe a good platform should strike a balance between controlling its users actions, and letting people freely communicate with one another and let interactions play out.

  2. I also agree with you that reddit is an amazing platform for sharing your opinions and learning more, however I wonder f the people who are being trolls and saying rude things are trying to actually hurt others. I think they may just be saying those things out of self amusement because they can get away with it. Im sure that most if not all those people would never say those things in real life to another person. Either way, I feel like at the internet will always have to put up with trolls because of its freedom that it offers. Anyway great post.


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