Toxic Gaming

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Toxic Gaming

Toxicity in gaming has been a huge problem for gamers everywhere. If you play any competitive game you will most likely encounter some gamers who takes things to far. For instance getting ridiculed for not giving a good performance in a competitive match or not following the commands of other teammates can get you a nasty message sent to your inbox or getting called nasty names if the game supports voice chat. This puts other gamers in a predicament as they just want to play and don't care whether they win or lose. In the article we read in class "Can a video game company tame toxic behavior?" it uses the game league of legends as an example of the toxic environment in video games. Since league is the most popular game out there it has one of the worst gaming environments. The article also states how the company who made the game is trying to combat the toxic community. Riots way of improving the match quality is something at least, but most of these people who takes things to far deal with personal issues that they themselves need to work out and be reminded that they are just playing a video game.


  1. Hello Alejandro,

    I agree that toxic gaming has become a huge problem within online gaming networks and at some point every player who plays online has faced a toxic gamer at some point through out their gaming time. This is a difficult issue to mitigate due to the censorship it would require to block out every negative comment that reaches the online network. Overall, I am not sure how we would be able to address this issue other than censoring what we can at the moment.

  2. It is actually quite sad, just how far toxicity can go and how far people go to kind of bypass the systems that are implemented to counter toxicity. For instance the report/ban system that most games have implemented so players are able to report these toxic players, which with enough reports gets the player banned. Some people who are toxic enough will just the players who they feel are "bad" as there reason and sometimes other players will follow with it. It crazy to think how far people will go when it comes to being toxic in the online gaming community.


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