Communities Of Practice

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In our reading about cultivating communities of practice it talks about how organizations do a better job at improving itself  if certain individuals meet up after business hours to share information about technology. This meet up is called a tech club and I believe its a good way to collaborate. With this process groups can discuss better ways for the company can promote their products and improve innovation, then the club would share this information to other members of the company that they believe can fix the know issues that the company is facing .Knowledge shared between like minded individuals can benefit any community that wants to reach a common goal and is why collaboration between like minded individuals to tackle the hard tasks is better than just working alone.


  1. I agree with what you're saying. Being able to meet up with people that share the same passion to solve specific issues is very important. This as a whole helps other companies that are in some way collaborating so solve bigger problems. This way of doing things have helped many companies big and small to achieve great things in the amount of time they have been working together.

  2. I also agree about what u said people have same objects can share their experience togetehr, in my post i also mentioned in my high school a robot team and a model team can share their experience tofether to make their products better , although they are not working on the same project but there are still a lot of things they can collabroate with each other. Great post thank you

  3. I completely agree with you on your article. You have done a good job. I think that tech club is effective way to improve employee's effort. If everyone would share their information and idea with the others, it would be easy to brainstorm new good ideas. Collabration is the one of the best ways to improve the community, and bond.


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