Piracy may be illegal but that doesn't stop people from doing it anyways. There are torrent sites that are easily accessible over the internet to download the files that your want. Websites such as lime wire, frost wire, and the pirate bay are just a few that let you download files that people uploaded themselves. Accessibility is major factor for pirating. If a person believes that a certain something is far to expensive for them achieve then that individual may end up pirating it from one of the may sources online. Even if piracy is a big issue, its not going to be easy to get rid of. Back when the pirate bay was taken offline, a new site was brought up not soon long after, making it a know idea that new sites can just pop up and give users access to free downloads.
I totally agree that piracy will be hard to get rid of. If not impossible. If people want something (free music, affordable content), they will find a way to get it, regardless of the risks. Torrents sites are constantly being shut down and new ones grow back in their place.